Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hellooo Austin Texas

Well guys, we've made it. Actually... we made it here Tuesday night. Sorry about the lack of updates, but we got here pretty late on Tuesday and then my mom and D man got here Wednesday, so we've been trying to settle and show my mom around. It's been a good time so far since I have decided it's still a vacation for me as long as my mom is here. After she leaves I'll buckle down and do the whole "getting a job" thing again. Logan has an interview at Barnes and Noble on Tuesday... a second interview since he already had a phone interview. So let's all cross our fingers and think good thoughts and pray according to what works for you that all works out. Once we know at least where one of us works, we can work on getting a place to live and getting our lives more together. For now we're just seeing the sights and spending quality family time together.

1 comment:

  1. The heartaches of motherhood do not ever end. My favorite day in Austin was Mother/Daughter day when Kate and I spent about 12 hours together alone sightseeing, shopping eating, enjoying music and ALMOST getting tatoos or hennas. The thing that got me through the most was the phrase "next time". If there was not time or money to do everthing this visit, I knew I could look forward to "next time" even if I don't know when that will be. I miss you my beautiful daughter and commend you on your courage to explore your heart's desires and figure it out for yourself.

    - Marybeth


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