Thursday, August 13, 2009

Countdown... 2 days!

So I knew I would be a terrible blogger. I'm terrible at updating. But who has time when there is baby time, work time, grad school time, and wedding planning time getting in the way of blogging time? Anyway... so the wedding is less than 48 hours away!!! I can't wait. Some of Logan's family is already up which is very exciting because I am finally getting to see all the wonderful people I have heard so much about for the last year. On top of that I am getting to show off our 4 month old wonder.

4 month old.


He is getting so big (over 15 lbs) and being able to do so much. He has learned that there are reactions to touching things (like when you grab mommy's sunglasses and throw them on the floor... they break) and he has learned to roll over. He talks and smiles and is starting to laugh. All of this warms my heart, even when he decides to start this behavior at 5am. We went swimming in a pool at Mel's for the first time. It was pretty great. Mel helped me wrangle all three little ones and we went for a dip. Declan seemed to enjoy himself. While he wasn't quite up to Leo's huge splashes in his face, he seemed to enjoy the water. Though I'm not quite sure he was ready for leaving the water and not being so warm anymore.

So now that we're getting down to the wire, I should get things ready to leave my little guy for 6 days. Which I can't imagine doing. I can totally imagine sitting in the sun and reading all day. But the reality of not seeing his smile for so long is starting to hit me. I guess the beach will keep me strong.

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