Saturday, March 17, 2012


Today is our third anniversary. Three years since our love story started a new chapter. After a quick engagement (And yes, I mean quick. I think it was about two weeks) we decided to make things official at City Hall. Not nearly all the reason, but part of the reason, being that I was pregnant. Not just a little pregnant, but about to pop. So this is what I really looked like on our actual wedding day. Three St. Patrick's Days ago. 


Two weeks later we had our lovely little man. And the same last name was had by all. However, we waited four months before having the "ceremony" that we invited our friends and family to. It was nice doing it this way because we knew that no matter what else happened- we were already married. It also meant that my brother got to "officiate" which was really special. 

To my Love:

When we met we had no idea what we were in for. One moment together and we knew that this was it. Whatever else happened, we were going to be together. It took nine months to actually go out, and nine months later we were married. Three years, two babies, six moves (one cross country), three jobs for you, four jobs for me, and a whole lot of love later and here we are. 

Every day we grow stronger together and as individuals because of each other. I am so lucky to be here to watch you grow. As a father, as a husband, as a man. We have already been through a lot and I know we're still just beginning. 

Til the wheels fall off.


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