Well, it's been quite awhile since I have been over to this part of the blogosphere. Since I last wrote, I have had an entire pregnancy and gave birth to our daughter last week. There are a few reasons as to why I haven't really been writing here, but the honest truth is that the last nine months have been hard. Really hard. Like, probably the hardest that I have experienced as a grownup. I have some thinking to do as to how much, if any of that I want to share on here. Perhaps others can learn from the hard times that I have experienced? I know that I have learned a lot.
I do want to say that things are in a much better place now. I feel like along with giving birth to our child, a new life was also given birth to. It was a pretty close call as to how things would work out even pretty close to the baby coming, but so far everything has been falling into place. There are still a few uncertainties, but that's just life... right?
I'm not quite sure of the timeline, but I am so lucky and grateful to be home with my kiddos right now. I guess I'm back here trying to sort out stay-at-home-mom life, take some time to reflect on the last nine months, and create another path for social interaction as I'm figuring out life with three littles.
So, for now this is a start. I guess we'll see who is even looking here anymore! If you are- let me know- and hey! It's been awhile!
Hey Kate! I'm still here! I was so excited to see you pop up on Feedly after so long! I'm sorry to hear that things weren't going well. I hope whatever the situation is will continue to get better, and that we'll see more of you on the blogosphere now that you and Maeve are home. Congratulations again. She's beautiful. :)