So the internet will be back in full force as of next week, making this easier to keep up with. We have been a busy little family recently. I am so excited to have had so many adventures and even more are coming up.
Last weekend we went to Dallas. While we were there we visited Logan's family and friends. Declan had a blast. Logan's stepmom showed Declan how to start using a violin and it was absolutely amazing to see him be so interested in playing an instrument. It sent my mind off in daydreams about what he will be one day. We also had a great time hanging out with Jenny and Abby. We slept over their house on Saturday. There was a great family dinner, and lots of playing and giggling between the two cousins. We stayed up much too late playing horses and watching movies and eating popcorn. It was so nice to have Declan have another kid to run around with, ensuring my thoughts that there needs to be another child along the way.
We spent the next couple of days going to work and school and recuperating from the lack of sleep from the weekend. Declan now loves going to school. He has learned to say "Jacquie," his teacher's name, and loves to blow everyone kisses as he shouts "bye bye" at them.
Tomorrow Logan's mom comes to town so even more adventures are surely on their way.
And the even bigger news is that in a month Declan and I will be taking a trip home! Two weeks on the East Coast for these two. So everyone at home that reads this... get ready.
cannot possibly wait