Saturday, September 11, 2010

Cowboy Baby

Yesterday in our unpacking, we found the cowboy boots Declan got for his birthday. The exciting news... they finally fit AND he can walk so he can tromp around in them. The even more exciting news is that he loves them. He woke up this morning and saw them sitting next to the other shoes. He brought them over to Logan and by the time I was upstairs, he was already a mini cowboy.

I love watching him care about things and gain preferences for some things over others. He is growing up and growing into himself and his personality. I can't wait to see where it goes.

We have been busy packing and cleaning and moving into our new place, and hopefully will be fully in by this evening. Once we're there, we won't have internet and probably won't until at least one of us has a job and can afford another bill thrown our way. So until then it will be internet on our phones of course, but for the majority of communication- coffee shops and libraries.

Cowboy pictures to come. :-)

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