Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A job!

Hey there all! Exciting news from the Southern front. Get this... I got a job!! Woo hoo!!

I'll be working part time at a Montessori school, and Declan will be attending their sister school down the street while I'm working. This means money and child care. (Not free but a considerable discount) Yay for us! Now we're working on living stuff and more job stuff, but things are starting to come together. Thank goodness.

But on the flip side... I start tomorrow and Declan starts on Monday. He'll be in a totally different school than me... five minutes down the road. Now, I know it's only for four hours a day or so, but it will still be so different for us. I've had him (with the exception of the two months I went back to work at the other Montessori school) with me since he was born. I know he will be so successful and his independence will soar, but it still gives me little butterflies in my stomach to even think about being away from him so much. This is only the beginning of our lives apart.


  1. Congratulations Kate! Such great news. And also great news on child care. Wow, y'all are good. Way to take care of business. I'm so happy for you three.

  2. Looks like God heard the prayers. :) I'm happy for you.

  3. Yay!!! You go girl!


  4. Commenting on "This is only the beginning of our lives apart." ..... yep!

    - Marybeth


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