I feel as though I am stuck in an endless frustrating cycle of applying for jobs and hearing NOTHING back. At this point I don't even know what to do. Applying for jobs online doesn't seem to be working at all. I
I didn't think this would be a problem. Ever. I thought that because I had worked hard enough to get my Master's that I would get a job- no problem. I was pregnant and taking three grad classes and working full time. No sweat. I had three kids under the age of three for over ten hours of my day every day. Practice makes perfect. I was smart enough to graduate several things and had leadership roles in school. I am a hard worker. I can multi-task and can organize.
I just don't know how to actually get a job. I don't mean to be beating a dead horse about this subject, but I wish that they had taught us more real world skills in school. I feel as though I have been in a bubble just doing things that people had been telling me to do for so long... that now I don't know how to just do things on my own. I did the homework they told me to do, signed up for the classes they told me to and now... I don't really know what to do. I am tired of putting in effort for cover letters when it seems as though 99% of companies don't even tell you they got it. Ugh.