Saturday, March 31, 2012


Today we went and took the obligatory Texas bluebonnet pictures. They came out alright. The two (almost three!) year old wasn't having much of smiling, but a couple rounds of "Home, Home on the Range" helped eke out a couple of smirks. 

AND. Hey guys! There is actually a pic of all four of us. Thanks to a borrowed tripod (Thanks Kelly!) and a self timer, we have a rare picture with both mom and dad. Yes!

So here they are- my lovely men. (And a couple with myself) They make me melt, even when the smiles take a bit more effort. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

7 Months

We now have a seven month old mobile baby on our hands. I think that Dex didn't start crawling until he was about eight months, and K has been going since a couple of days before he turned seven months. He is still just pulling along on his belly, but is going faster every day and has been practicing his pushups the last couple of days. I can't believe this time is already here. This round of moving up in the world, and this round of baby proofing. Obviously we are very child friendly around here, but there are things Deckie has gotten past that we are now having to redo. Like- hiding all electric wires and making sure the ground is absolutely clear. Just today I walked out of the room, and when I came back a minute later, Kieran had somehow found a receipt that had fallen on the floor and was happy eating it.

Kieran is still our sunshine baby. Pretty much all you have to do is look at him and his smile lights up the room.

He also loves food. He isn't picky at all. He loves fruit, and loves food he can chew on. He is a true Texas baby and loves black beans and avocado. He loves rice and any veggies. There hasn't really been anything he doesn't like. He also really loves to drink water.

I love you, my seven month old boy. Can't believe you are closer to one than you are to a newborn.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Finding the Answers

Lately I have been doing a lot of letting go.

I love to be in control. (No one knows that more than Logan).

I want to be the one calling the shots. The one with the answers. The solutions. The one telling everyone and everything what to do.

But recently I have been trying to take a step back. Trying to stop shoving the "right" thing in everyone's face. Including my own. I have been trying to take a breath and see things from a different perspective. Understand that something that isn't meant to happen won't happen no matter how hard I try to force it.

In doing so I have gotten some answers for a few things.

Tonight I am letting go once again to hopefully gain some perspective.

We'll see what answers come of it.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


As many of you know, Austin just hosted SXSW- a huge music festival. Having small children, we obviously did not get to partake in much of the craziness, but we did get to participate a little bit during the day. Logan wasn't feeling very well, so I took the boys out to meet up with our friend Janet on South Congress to check out the happenings.

Dex was pretty stoked to get to listen to music and dance around. He pretty much made everyone's day with his spinning and his booty shaking. He even got a special solo performance by a man on the street playing guitar. (And then learned how to put a dollar in a hat). He also got to walk Janet's dog, Kismet.

This was followed by my first experience eating pizza at Home Slice. It was delicious. My belly is rumbling thinking about it.

We are very lucky to be living in such an artistic area. I love getting to introduce Dex to museums and music and all the different walks of life there are here. He is definitely a free spirit, and I love seeing him dance with no abandon.

Getting his groove on

This curl kills me

Janet and Kismet

He picked flowers and wanted one in his hair

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Today is our third anniversary. Three years since our love story started a new chapter. After a quick engagement (And yes, I mean quick. I think it was about two weeks) we decided to make things official at City Hall. Not nearly all the reason, but part of the reason, being that I was pregnant. Not just a little pregnant, but about to pop. So this is what I really looked like on our actual wedding day. Three St. Patrick's Days ago. 


Two weeks later we had our lovely little man. And the same last name was had by all. However, we waited four months before having the "ceremony" that we invited our friends and family to. It was nice doing it this way because we knew that no matter what else happened- we were already married. It also meant that my brother got to "officiate" which was really special. 

To my Love:

When we met we had no idea what we were in for. One moment together and we knew that this was it. Whatever else happened, we were going to be together. It took nine months to actually go out, and nine months later we were married. Three years, two babies, six moves (one cross country), three jobs for you, four jobs for me, and a whole lot of love later and here we are. 

Every day we grow stronger together and as individuals because of each other. I am so lucky to be here to watch you grow. As a father, as a husband, as a man. We have already been through a lot and I know we're still just beginning. 

Til the wheels fall off.


Monday, March 12, 2012

I haven't been here much recently. I've been spending more time sitting down and playing with my babes than writing about them. And I'm definitely okay with that. 

I still can't find the right words to say. 

So I'll leave you with these instead. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

6 Months

I can't believe it's been six months already. Half a year. 

You sit up on your own and grab everything you possibly can. You love to eat. Boy, do you love to eat. You smile and laugh, and you are the happiest possible when in touching distance of your brother. 

At your 6 month check up you were 17lb 4oz and took your shots like a champ. 

You fit into our lives like there was already a spot carved out for you. There honestly haven't been any road bumps or hard things to get used to. You have made our lives better since day one and I can't wait to see what lays ahead. 

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