His newest tricks include sitting up all by himself, turning himself in circles on his belly and laughing like crazy at pretty much everything. I am so grateful to have a happy, healthy baby. His smile just kills me. It makes my heart feel bigger than I ever knew it could be. I forget how I could ever be upset at him or anything (the sleep-deprived grad school full time worker in me quickly remembers however). I just want to show him off to everyone in the world.
Grad school is going. Two classes right now which is a lot of work but I'm making it through.
Work is going well. We got to go to the Boston Children's Museum last week. It was really cool. I don't think I've ever been before. It was awesome that they had a room especially for kids under three. That meant there were things for both the boys AND Izzie to play with. I wish we had more time (or I had another set of hands) because there were so many cool things I saw that we didn't get to do. I'll definitely make another trip as soon as I can.
It snowed today. Yes. Snowed. It is October. I am not ready for the cold weather at all. I have forgotten how to dress for the cold. I have forgotten winter. It's time to remember how to bundle bundle bundle. Both myself and the kids!